This story follows Shamari Allen. She is a senior at DSA who is involved in multiple activities. Shamari takes on multiple sports, as well as multiple pathways. She is involved in cheer, volleyball, track, art, and dance. She has definitely kept busy during her high school years and now she is looking to take her skills to the next level. She hopes to stay with a few of her ongoing activities, such as art and track, as she heads to college next fall in 2023. Shamari is a very hardworking and talented individual. Take a look to find out what she has going on in her world, and how she plans to continue her story after high school.
Doing this project was a wonderful experience. There were many obstacles throughout the semester to complete this project, but I was very happy with the time I was able to spend at DSA and really get to know my subject. I would really like to thank Shamari for allowing me into her life to be able to do this project. I appreciate how open she was and comfortable with me photographing her during her classes and after-school events. I would also like to thank her art and dance teachers, as well as all of her coaches for allowing me visit so that I could take pictures.