Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) certainly aren't the first subjects to pop into your head when the Durham School of the Arts is mentioned, but DSA is not only a “dynamic center for arts” but also for “academic education” on whole. This is evident from the second you step into a science class here: incredible teachers like Ms. Jennifer Tuttle and Ms. Alex LeMay give students in middle school an incredible, hands-on, and foundational STEM knowledge. By the time they reach high school, they are ready to use not only their STEM skills but also their creative talents to excel. Through Ms. Brooke Sauer and Ms. Alice Griffeth's high school classes, it is clear that a DSA education is strong through all of its subject matter, especially because of the interconnectedness of its departments. Educators interweave visual, tactile, and multimedia lessons with complex science topics to form an exciting STEM curriculum that keeps students involved and excited.
As a natural science student myself, I was intrigued by how STEM classes at DSA were organized and incorporated into a curriculum so defined around the arts. What immediately became clear to me though is how DSA is a place that doesn't focus just on the arts, but generally on creativity and individuality in all of its subjects and in all of its students. Incredible educators make this possible; as all of my peers also found, the real spirit of this school lies in the people. I'd like to thank Ms. Tuttle, Ms. LeMay, Ms. Griffeth, Ms. Sauer, and every one of their students for allowing me the opportunity to get a taste of what their crazy colorful, creative school days are like.